For democracy to survive we need all voices to be heard, not just our own. The US Supreme Court leaks (there are three unprecedented leaks from SCOTUS) have garnered an explosion of concern on all sides of the issue of abortion. My news diet has been fairly slanted towards the pro-choice side.

The Daily has a two-part series A Post-Roe America. I listened to part 1 today which gives a thorough, thoughtful, respectful discussion with several pro-life activists. Part 2, similar treatment to pro-choice activists, airs next week.

Imagine a world where abortion is irrelevant and unnecessary,

…because pregnancy is not considered a disease, where for the most part pregnancy is welcomed.  Imagine a world with plentiful resources to help a woman get through a difficult time when the path forward for her pregnancy is murky and scary.

Because we are not there yet,

…the US Supreme Court still has the opportunity to give a nuanced, gentle progression towards life-affirming law. For so many women, Roe v. Wade is a security blanket that gives them peace of mind. Do we rip away a trusted snuggly from a child’s arms?

Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash

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