Cherish Pandemic Parents

Cherish Pandemic Parents

March 1, 2023 is Early Childhood Health and Well-Being Advocacy Day in Wisconsin We all play a role in advocating for families and children.  Keep in mind that the past three years have put parents into uncharted waters that even the most seasoned parent could not be...
Value parenting

Value parenting

“Do you work?” Before I had kids, my answer was easy, “yes, I am a medical speech pathologist.” At that time, thoughts about work after kids absolutely meant working outside of the home. I was not going to fritter away my professional life to raise kids. I planned to...
Cherish this moment

Cherish this moment

Traveling east to care for my aging mom, I smile when I see the bright eyes of a little 9-month-old over the shoulder of her dad. Watching her look about the plane with calm intent, I imagine what is happening inside that nearly bald, adorable head. She is fervently...
Cherish the Parents Means

Cherish the Parents Means

“If a society values its children, it must cherish their parents.” ~ John Bowlby, psychologist and child development specialist. This quote echoed in my mind throughout my study of infant, early childhood and family mental health. What does it mean to cherish the...