Home grown vegetables and produce from the farm collided today.

I cannot shake the habit of growing vegetables. I cannot bear to give up the farm membership because I love that community and variety.

Garlic scape harvest and a close shave of my lettuce patch…

…rendered more of both than could be consumed in our 2-person household. My morning of giving away scapes and salad greens got the count down to 100 garlic scapes and only 2 gallons of lettuce mix.

Then, from the farm,…

…more scapes, more lettuce, summer squash, zucchini, kohlrabi, strawberries, 2-foot-long spring green onions, and 7 gorgeous beets with 18 inch-long greens.

Add all of that to the limp and forgotten beet greens and spring onions from last week’s farm pick up. So we chop the green stuff and red stems, along with a quarter of a preserved lemon, sauteed in Partanna olive oil with just a touch of harissa olive oil, maybe some prosciutto or smoked turkey.  Toss with cooked pasta, like cheese-filled tortellini.

After dinner, I got serious about blanching and spinning the extra greens and chopping the copious onions and garlic scapes for freezing.

Two gallons of lettuce green? Salads for the next 5 dinners, plus a hefty donation to the food pantry. Job done…for this week’s bounty!

Photos by SAM Steiner June 2023




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