Cranberries, Etc.

Cranberries, Etc.

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a wonderful day and enough turkey for a tryptophan high on Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday! With, of course, Cranberries… I was never enamored with them. As a kid, I thought they added color to the Turkey day table, but...
Forgotten Beet Greens

Forgotten Beet Greens

Home grown vegetables and produce from the farm collided today. I cannot shake the habit of growing vegetables. I cannot bear to give up the farm membership because I love that community and variety. Garlic scape harvest and a close shave of my lettuce patch…...
Between winter and spring

Between winter and spring

Between winter and spring is confusing time for me and for the leopard frog in the feature photo, both of us itching to get out of hibernation when we feel some warmth. We found him chilling on a lingering snowbank during our Easter hike. The air temperature was 64...
Summer Kitchen #3

Summer Kitchen #3

With this beautiful weather, 71 degrees on an October day, still harvesting broccoli spears, beet greens, a hardy mesclun mix, and a mystery squash, I am still thinking summer cooking in my kitchen. Why chop if you’re blending? It’s one of many shortcut questions I...
Summer Kitchen #2

Summer Kitchen #2

That is a 2-pound heirloom tomato. Laverne, my Amish friend, sold me a 1/2 a peck of these “unsellable” beauties for $15 – an opportunity to get a large batch of roasted tomatoes (See Summer Kitchen 1). Also in the featured photo: first-ever plums from an...
Summer Kitchen #1

Summer Kitchen #1

My summer kitchen is for… Capturing all the flavors of local bounty, then concentrating, preserving, blanching, drying or freezing them …for the winter months. The feature photo is one of our weekly shares of organics from Stoney Acre Farms, harvested the day before...