by SAM Steiner | Feb 10, 2022 | Culture Comments
When we perceive differences of opinion,… I played Jimmy Carter in the mock elections at my school in 1976. It seeded my deep admiration for this humble peanut farmer turned president of the most powerful nation in the world. “We must find ways to re-engage across the...
by SAM Steiner | Jan 4, 2022 | Cherish the Parents
“If a society values its children, it must cherish their parents.” ~ John Bowlby, psychologist and child development specialist. This quote echoed in my mind throughout my study of infant, early childhood and family mental health. What does it mean to cherish the...
by SAM Steiner | Dec 22, 2021 | From the Kitchen
“…you will find it quite easy to do, for a bûche de Noël is merely a spongecake batter baked in a jelly-roll pan, rolled with a filling, and decorated log-fashion with…various woodsy trimmings.”- Julia Child (page 192, The French Chef Cookbook(1968) New York: Alfred...
by SAM Steiner | Dec 13, 2021 | Notes from the Land
Nature heals in a way that few other remedies can. You put yourself literally out there in the morning woods, on the winter beach, beside the hiccuping stream, or in view of a majestic oak tree…and it happens. My earliest memories of self-care are the last one on the...
by SAM Steiner | Dec 7, 2021 | Culture Comments
It is not a guarantee; four African democracies were toppled by military coups d’etat since 2010. Yet, we Americans bask in the strength and durability of our democracy, then it happened. The coup attempt of January 6, 2021 was an in-your-face jarring moment for our...